iOS 17 Preview — What’s New for Software Developers?

3 min readJul 18, 2023


Table of contents

  1. Swift 6: A Powerful Language for App Development
  2. Enhanced Augmented Reality (AR) Capabilities
  3. Expanded Machine Learning Frameworks
  4. Privacy and Security Enhancements
  5. SwiftUI and Interface Improvements
  6. Conclusion

As technology continues to evolve, so does the world of software development. With the upcoming release of iOS 17, Apple is set to introduce a host of exciting features and enhancements that will revolutionize the mobile app development landscape. In this article, we will explore what’s new for software developers in iOS 17 and how it will impact iOS development. At Magora, our professional team of developers has extensive experience in creating innovative applications for iOS devices, and we are excited to delve into the possibilities offered by this latest update.

1. Swift 6: A Powerful Language for App Development

iOS 17 brings with it the latest version of Swift — Swift 6. This powerful programming language offers new features and improvements that will streamline the app development process. With its enhanced performance and syntax, developers can expect faster app builds, improved memory management, and increased code maintainability. Swift 6 also introduces new APIs and frameworks, providing developers with more tools to create dynamic and engaging applications.

2. Enhanced Augmented Reality (AR) Capabilities

ARKit, Apple’s augmented reality framework, receives significant updates in iOS 17. Software developers can leverage new features such as improved motion tracking, enhanced object recognition, and realistic rendering to create immersive AR experiences. These advancements open up exciting possibilities for industries like gaming, retail, education, and more, allowing developers to push the boundaries of creativity in mobile app development.

3. Expanded Machine Learning Frameworks

iOS 17 further expands its machine learning capabilities, empowering software developers to integrate advanced AI features into their applications. Core ML, Apple’s machine learning framework, introduces new models and APIs that enable developers to create intelligent apps capable of image recognition, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis. This enhanced integration of machine learning technology provides users with personalized and contextual experiences within iOS apps.

4. Privacy and Security Enhancements

With growing concerns over user privacy and data security, iOS 17 places a strong emphasis on protecting user information. Apple introduces enhanced privacy features and stricter permission requirements to ensure that user data remains secure. As software developers, it is crucial to adapt to these changes by implementing the latest security practices and ensuring that apps comply with Apple’s privacy guidelines. This focus on privacy will help build trust with users and foster long-term app success.

5. SwiftUI and Interface Improvements

iOS 17 introduces updates to SwiftUI, Apple’s declarative UI framework, making it even more powerful and flexible for software developers. With SwiftUI, developers can create dynamic, responsive interfaces with less code, accelerating the app development process. Additionally, Apple introduces new interface components and design guidelines to enhance the overall user experience. These improvements enable developers to build visually appealing apps that seamlessly integrate with the latest iOS design language.


iOS 17 brings a plethora of exciting advancements for software developers in the realm of mobile app development. With the introduction of Swift 6, augmented reality enhancements, expanded machine learning frameworks, increased privacy measures, and improved interface capabilities, iOS developers have an abundance of tools and technologies to create innovative and user-centric applications. At Magora, our professional team of developers is equipped with the expertise and experience to leverage these new features and deliver cutting-edge iOS apps that meet the evolving needs of businesses and users alike. Stay tuned for the release of iOS 17 and unlock a world of possibilities in software development for iOS.

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